Seasonal prevalence, risk factors, and One Health intervention for prevention

10 February 2021. Prevalence of asymptomatic intestinal parasitic infections (IPI) is much higher than symptomatic cases. One Health (OH) approach and multi-sectorial collaboration are key to form specific intervention in reducing the IPI prevalence and mitigating disease-related risks. The intervention might be applied to address other infectious diseases in the future.


Possible Early Covid-19 Cases in China Emerge During WHO Mission

10 February 2021. About 90 people were hospitalized with Covid-19-like symptoms in central China in the two months before the disease was first identified in Wuhan in late 2019. The World Health Organization’s mission to Wuhan said the coronavirus most likely spread naturally to humans through an animal


Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of 214 families with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China

9 February 2021. There is increased risk of COVID-19 transmission among familial members in Wuhan, China. The transmissibility and pathogenicity of the SARS-CoV-2 virus may increase after person-to-person transmission. There is an related higher attack rate and the worse clinical outcomes in COVID-19 family clusters.


COVID-19 Cases Surge in Vietnam as Laos Receives More Vaccine From China

8 February 2021. The total number of confirmed infections in Vietnam has now risen to 2,050 in 11 separate provinces or cities. Medical services take stronger measures to control the further spread of the disease. The government of Laos has meanwhile received an additional 300,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccine —most of it for use by persons designated high-risk individuals, including health workers and officials working at the border-crossings with neighboring countries.


Disaster Management Reference Handbook – Lao PDR

3 February 2021. Strategic priorities for Laos strengthening the health system in spite of COVID-19 pandemic are: resilient health system towards UHC, effective delivery of essential public health programs (including VPDs and NCDs), enhance health security (e.g. emerging infectious disease and public health emergencies), effective policy dialogue and advocacy (e.g. health leadership and multisectoral collaboration), and active partner in the Greater Mekong Subregion and ASEAN