China hopes it can snuff out a Delta-fuelled coronavirus outbreak with mass testing, longer quarantine and surveillance

30 July 2021. China’s successful COVID-19 containment strategy is being put through one of its biggest tests yet as the contagious Delta coronavirus variant rips through Asia. Health officials have recorded dozens of new daily cases in the eastern city of Nanjing after the outbreak first started among workers at the city’s airport.


Ministry of Health instructs provincial governors to implement home treatment for mild or asymptomatic cases

30 July 2021. According to the “Implementation of Standard Operating Procedures for the Management, Care, and Treatment of Covid-19 Patients at Home” issued on July 29, the Cambodia Ministry of Health commanded the governors of 22 more provinces to check and prepare the qualifications for the treatment of Covid-19 patients with mild or asymptomatic cases to be treated at their homes.


Geographically targeted surveillance of livestock could help prioritize intervention against antimicrobial resistance in China

26 July 2021. Eastern China currently has the highest AMR rates, and southwestern and northeastern China would benefit the most from additional surveillance efforts. Instead of distributing new surveys evenly across administrative divisions, using geographically targeted surveillance could reduce AMR prediction uncertainty by two-fold.